A513 DOM Tubing (Drawn Over Mandrel) DOM Mechanical Tubing is the engineers’ choice for where high strength, superior finish, close tolerances, and concentricity are required.
2023A distinction exists between a steel tube and a steel pipe, extending beyond mere semantics. The fundamental disparities lie in their typical uses, measurement methods, and terminology.
2023Cold Drawn and Annealed Seamless Low Carbon Steel tubing for use in pressurized hydraulic lines. Some industrial uses include Locomotive, Heavy Equipment, Automotive, and Agricultural applications.
2023ASME SA178 and ASTM A178 Boiler Tubes exhibit features such as low carbon steel (C=0.18 Max) and are Eddy Current Tested ASTM A178M Superheater Tubes with a minimum wall thickness.
2023The main standards for precision hydraulic steel tubes are as follows:China: GB/T 3639,Germany: DIN 2391, DIN 2393, DIN 2445,European Union: EN 10305,Germany: DIN 1630, DIN 1629,United States: ASTM A519, Japan: JIS G3445